BLUETEC Sea & Coastline


[Le salon est reporté en 2023 et aura lieu conjointement à Pollutec à Lyon, du 10 au13 Octobre 2023]

Building on the success of the Sea & Coastline area at the 2021 edition, Pollutec is launching an international event entirely dedicated to the ecological transition of the maritime and coastal world: BLUETEC Sea & Coastline by Pollutec.

Combining exhibition space, conferences and debates, business meetings and site visits, BLUETEC Sea & Coastline will enable economic players, industrialists and local authorities to meet, exchange and find solutions for :

  • Reduce their environmental impact
  • Prevent and limit the degradation of coastal and marine environments
  • Adapting their development for resilience
  • Accelerating the ecological and energy transition of maritime activities

In the fields of the sea and the coast, the ecological and energy transition covers many aspects, itis a question of both :

  • Reducing pollution
  • Moving towards climate neutrality
  • Preserving and restoring biodiversity
  • Making the sea economy more circular
  • Strengthening adaptation to climate change

The management of these five major challenges relies more on digital technology and artificial intelligence, such as new technologies for surveillance or routing, autonomous marine robots or aquatic drones.

The Bluetec sea and coastline event covers all the challenges of the ecological transition of the sea and coastline: it offers a choice of eco-efficient and innovative solutions (equipment, technologies, services) enabling economic players, industrialists and local authorities to reduce their environmental impact, to prevent and limit the degradation of coastal and marine environments and to adapt their development with a view to resilience

Some figures:

93% of plastic waste at sea is less than 5 mm. (Tara Foundation)

3% of GHG emissions are generated by global maritime traffic, with nearly 50,000 ships . (Tara Foundation)

85% of marine litter is believed to be plastic waste. (UNEP Report, October 2021)

By the end of 2020 , 40 sites had been approved by Brussels for the recycling of EU-flagged ships, including 9 outside the EU .

40% of the EU population lives within 50 km of the sea and is therefore exposed to air emissions from ships .(EMTER 2021 Report, EMSA - EEA)

The Sea and Coast event has been running for over 20 years:

2000 - Focus on the treatment of marine pollution following the ERIKA oil spill; the management of oil spill risks and the different forms of dispersal at sea.

2002 - Settingup of a first thematic village with an illustration of a range of solutions in different sectors.

2004 - Focus oncoastal development and the guest presence of the Conservatoire du Littoral.

2012 - The issue of restoring natural marine and coastal environments appears alongside the issue of pollution.

2016 - Creation of a permanent 'Sea and Coast Forum' with an increasingly broad and extensive programme (plastic pollution, environmental monitoring, climate risks, land-sea relations, port development, preservation of biodiversity and ecosystems, etc.).

2018 - Reiteration of the Sea and Coast Forum, with a clear increase in attendance. Hosting of the 'Plasticized Oceans' exhibition by the Expedition MED collective and teams from theEnergy Observer, The SeaCleaners, Expedition 7th Continent, Iodysseus and Plastic Odyssey.

2021 - Birth of Pollutec Mer & Littoral, in conjunction with Pollutec in Lyon from 12 to 15 October.

2022 - Launch of Bluetec sea and coastline, on 30 November and 1 December in Nantes, in partnership with the Pays de la Loire Region, Nantes Metropole and the Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique

Event details