On 15, 16 and 17 NOVEMBER 2022, Nancy will host ENVIROPRO Grand Est. This will be the first inter-regional event of its kind in the eastern regions of France, dedicated to environmental technologies.

At atime when the environment is becoming a major concern for economic players, more than 300 exhibitors will be offering a full range of solutions designed to meet all the environmental problems of INDUSTRIES, COMMUNITIES and LOCAL AUTHORITIES, the AGRICULTURAL world, HEALTH, BUILDING AND CIVIL ENGINEERING, TRANSPORT and LOGISTICS companies, TOURISM, TRADE and other SERVICE companies...

ENVIROPRO is a series of trade fairs established throughout France and located in the heart of dynamic regions with a dense, rich and diversified economic fabric.

Favouring proximity to guarantee quality exchanges, ENVIROPRO relies on a human-sized event concept to favour the number of contacts per exhibitor.


Withan urban area of 500,000 inhabitants, the Nancy metropolis is located at the heart of the Grand Est region and the European cross-border area, with ideal accessibility and only 1.5 hours from Paris by TGV.

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Event details