FestiWell 2022
Towards sustainable well-being
"Towards global sustainable well-being
The second edition of Festiwell, the annual festival of the European University for Well-being (EUniWell), will take place from 2 to 13 May 2022.
Entitled "Towards global sustainable well-being", this 9-day event will explore with students and staff from the seven EUniWell member universities one of today's major challenges: how to pave the way for a future combining well-being, living together and sustainable development.
Is living well in Europe compatible with preserving the planet?
Europeans enjoy one of the longest life expectancies and Europe has one of the highest human development indices in the world.
However, none of the EU countries can currently guarantee the well-being of its citizens without exceeding the limits of the environmental resources needed to preserve the planet, and some of the social objectives (solving problems related to old age, social inclusion, education, etc.) included in the United Nations' sustainable development objectives are not being fully achieved.
Although access to a healthy environment is now recognised as an essential component of quality of life and well-being by the European institutions, it remains crucial to highlight what is at stake in the articulation of the different issues of well-being, social issues and environmental preservation. As this comprehensive approach is not always taken into account by public authorities, there are still many possibilities to explore.
The themes of reflection for the FestiWell 2022 edition:
FestiWell '22 is organised around sustainability and well-being as an interconnected central theme and asks, among other things, questions about climate justice and the social dimensions of an effective sustainable transition, about the link between cities and rural areas or about how education and training systems can contribute to sustainable development. These topics are framed by the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
FestiWell aims to open up the narrow academic circle to transdisciplinary exchange and to the general public. Therefore, all interested parties are invited to come together for a sustainable and wellness-oriented future.
The activities that will take place during this edition will be linked to themes such as
- Public health
- Social dimensions of the ecological transition
- Climate justice and climate action
- Education and training systems in relation to sustainable development
- Environment and urbanisation
- Individual and societal well-being
Calendar :
- Monday 2 May: Opening session (all member universities)
- Tuesday 3 May: Linnaeus University (Sweden)
- Wednesday 4 May: University of Birmingham (UK)
- Thursday 5 May: Nantes University
- Monday 9 May: Joint Europe Day events
- Tuesday 10 May: University of Cologne (Germany)
- Wednesday 11 May: University of Florence (Italy)
- Thursday 12 May: Semmelweis University (Hungary)
- Friday 13 May: University of Leiden (Netherlands)
All FestiWell virtual sessions will take place via Zoom Events.
Once registered, you can access all public online and hybrid sessions on the respective portal.