See you on 25 & 26 June in Lyon, Campus de La Doua at the 2022 edition of the UniverShifté Initiatives
The UniverShifté is a major national event organised by the volunteers of The Shifters in support of The Shift Project think tank, which aims to inform and influence the debate on energy transition in Europe. The event aims to spread the association's ideas to as many people as possible. It is also a moment of conviviality and exchange.
Following the same logic as the 2021 edition, the event offers a varied programme: conferences, round tables, screenings, workshops, initiatives village... Enough to keep the 3,000 participants expected over the 2 days busy.
Details of the different formats:
Conferences :
Personalities linked to the Shift Project, The Shifters and the PTEF will speak throughout the weekend at key moments. Broadcasts are planned in several amphitheatres so that every participant can attend. Other conferences initiated by the Shifters are also planned during the weekend. More than 1100 people will be able to attend the different conferences simultaneously.
Pitch Your Shift :
They will give the floor to several speakers (3 to 5) in succession for short and punchy presentations, followed by exchanges on the various issues related to their projects and initiatives.
Round tables:
Moments of exchange between different speakers, then with the public on the axes of the PTEF (Plan for the Transformation of the French Economy) of The Shift Project.
The screening of films, short films and documentaries during the weekend to show the evolution of a society free of carbon constraints.
Workshops and murals:
Within the Double Mixte, various workshops such as the "Climate Fresco" will be offered to participants to enable them to better understand the issues and action levers of the different sectors.
Initiatives Village :
A space for sharing where actors of transitions, Shifters, and participants can meet. An opportunity for these associations, companies or projects to make themselves known to the public and to present their activities.
An exhibition area:
It will host several exhibitions over the weekend, by eco-responsible artists with an artistic approach in line with carbon neutrality objectives.
And finally, there will be a catering area, entertainment, an opening night, an open space, etc. The aim is to make the experience as complete and enjoyable as possible for each participant.