
Babette Porcelijn
Graphiste, Auteure, Conférencière, Chercheuse
Babette Porceljn est graphiste, auteur et conférencière. Elle a une passion : préserver l'environnement. Elle est particulièrement douée pour transmettre des informations complexes de manière simple
Gilles Boeuf
Renowned scientist, Biologist, University Professor
Gilles Boeuf is a French biologist specialised in environmental physiognomy, biodiversity and oceanology
Jean-Louis ETIENNE
Polar explorer, physician, writer, lecturer, Grand Officer of the National Order of Merit, Commander of the Legion of Honour
Jean-Louis Etienne is a doctor specialising in nutrition and sports biology. He has taken part in numerous expeditions to the Himalayas, Greenland and Patagonia.
Director of Sustainable Development & Quality, Safety and Environment
Sustainable Development Director; QSE (Quality-Safety-Environment), President of the College of Sustainable Development Directors (C3D), Director of The Shift Project, Co-founder of the blog on the Contributive Enterprise
Speaker, author, entrepreneur
Speaker, author, former economic and financial journalist, Yannick Roudaut questions the sustainability of our economic model.
Jennifer Murzeau
Speaker, Author, Journalist
Author, journalist and lecturer, Jennifer Murzeau speaks with conviction on the themes of sustainable development and environmental innovation.
Ellen MacArthur
Former British sailor from Derbyshire and holder of the round-the-world sailing record since 2005, founder of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust
Cyril Dion
Lecturer, writer, director, poet and environmental activist
Writer, at Actes Sud, Author and co-director, at Demain Le Film and Co-founder, at Kaizen, media for ecological and social solutions
Geneviève Férone-Creuzet
Entrepreneur, Speaker, Author
Pioneer of social and environmental rating, the speaker Geneviève Férone-Creuzet intervenes on the themes: Ecology, CSR
Dominique Bourg
Philosopher, Author, Professor
Philosopher, honorary professor and author, Dominique Bourg is a specialist in environmental issues and father of three children.